Friday, May 1, 2015

Thank you Echosmith

Hello beautiful people,
a few days ago I've been to an amazing concert and I really wanted to talk to you about it. To be honest the concert was on Tuesday but I've been extremely busy this week and hardly hat 15 minutes for myself. But today I will finally be able to talk to you about my wonderful experiences.

First of all I'm not sure if all of you know the band Echosmith. I think that most of you have heard their single Cool Kids since it's on the radio like every single day. The group consists of four siblings, Noah, Graham, Jamie and Sydney Sierota. I've loved their album since it came out so of course I ha to buy tickets for the concert when I heard they would come to Germany.

Me and my friends were just waiting in the line when one guy from the staff came to us and asked if we wanted to meet the band. We were really shocked but in a posititve way. He gave us some washable tattoos and said that this would be our ticket to the meet'n'greet. Also I have to tell you that everyone in front of us also got these tickets but like two persons behind us he stopped and said he didn't have any more tickets. We weren't sure if we were really going to meet the band but I stayed optimistic.

And our dream came true. When we finally got to the beginning of the queue the security asked for the tattoos and we got in. The thing is that only two of us got in since they said only 42 people coul meet the band. My friends said it would be okay if we go and so we went in.
I'm not sure if I'm allowed to tell you the name of my friend who went in with me but what she did made all four of us extremely happy. When it was our turn to meet the band and take photos she asked Sydney if our other friends could come in as well since we all wanted to meet them and we got split up. I don't know how other celebrities would have reacted but the whole groupwas very sorry and instantly got someone to bring in my two other friends. We all took photos and got our tickets signed. I think nobody from the band will ever read this but I still want to thank the whole band for doing this. I know you didn't have to do that and it was just so nice of you. After the concert we also met Noah Sierota outside of the theatre and he was just searching for something in the bus which was parked right in front of the building. He was really down to earth and I also want to thank him that he took another selfie with all of us. Thank you all for making this evening one of the most perfect ones in my life.

Also I want to tell you about the support act. The group was called Alvarez Kings and since they aren't that famous I don't think you know them. It's kind of hard for me to describe their style of music (you should listen to their music and get an own opinion) but they have also been really nice and personal. After the concert they were selling their stuff right next to the merch from Echosmith. They were really nice and took photos with everyone and talked with everyone. So I also want to thank these four guys.

All in all I had an amazing night and I had the opportunity to meet some of my idols. I ould probably write about fifty pages about the concert but I will end my post here.
Let me know if you have ever met a celebrity or one of your idols?
I would be very happy to her your stories.

Also imagine it one of the band members would read this post and they could see how thankful all four of us were.

I will talk to you soon,

Norina xx


  1. Aww, such a sweet story. I'm so glad you had an amazing night!
    I love your blog- followed you through GFC.
    Paint It Rogue

    1. Thank you so so much for you kind words and also for following me. Your comment already gave me a reason to be happy today :)
